Quenching Your Cat's Thirst: The Art of Encouraging Hydration

Meow, fellow cat lovers! You know how particular we felines can be when it comes to water, even though it plays a crucial role in maintaining our overall health and well-being. Allow us to share some tips on how you can help us stay hydrated and happy:


  1. Fresh and Clean Water: We simply adore fresh and clean water. Our humans should make sure to change our water at least once a day, or even more frequently if needed. Some of us fancy running water from the tap, but due to environmental concerns, our humans have invested in a stylish cat water fountain, which has become our new favorite hangout spot, even if we keep also our handmade Mika bowls and plates on top of stealing water in human’s glass.
  2. Multiple Water Sources: When we're out in the countryside, our designer Mika cat bowls or plates with water are placed in different spots throughout our home. This clever arrangement encourages us to sip from various locations, making it more enticing.
  3. Separate Spaces: Our Mika cat bowls and plates for water are thoughtfully placed away from our litter boxes, as well as from our Mika cat bowls and plates for food. Just like our humans, we prefer having distinct areas for eating, drinking, and, well, you know, eliminating.
  4. Choosing the Perfect Material: Our Mika cat bowls and plates are crafted from ceramic, our preferred material with glass. Plastic may lead to hygiene issues, but stainless steel can be a good alternative. The wide and shallow design of our Mika bowls and plates is a hit, as we're not fans of narrow or deep bowls that come into contact with our precious whiskers.


  1. A Flavorful Twist: Some of us love wet food, and our humans do too because it increases our overall moisture intake and keeps us well-hydrated. Flavored water, like the tantalizing tuna taste for me, also works wonders in motivating us to drink more, but it can lead to frustration for some of us, having the smell without ability to eat it! If your human is considering a change, I say give wet food a try, but Matheo here prefers his trusty dry food diet. Sometime you will have to propose it again…and again…and one day!
  2. Vet's Orders: Our vet recommends that our humans keep a watchful eye on our water intake, just like they do with our litter box habits. Significant changes in drinking or urination patterns might indicate an underlying health issue, so it's always wise to consult with a veterinarian from a catfriendly vet clinic if anything seems amiss.
  1. Individual Tailoring: Remember, each of us has our own unique preferences. Don't fret if it takes a bit of trial and error to find the perfect way to encourage us to drink more water. If your human has any concerns about your hydration or overall health, a consultation with a veterinarian can provide personalized guidance.

So there you have it, the art of quenching our feline thirst. With these tips, your chic and caring human can ensure we stay happily hydrated and maintain our finicky, but fabulous, feline ways. Cheers to good health and water for all!